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High cpu useage dedicated servers. ?rvb=%23000000&texte=%23FFFFFF&hauteur=155&largeur=120&afficher=all

High cpu useage dedicated servers.

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High cpu useage dedicated servers. Empty High cpu useage dedicated servers.

Post by X4nd3r 2nd December 2012, 16:57

Well first i got 2 computers where ive hosted servers on.When i host an dedicated server on my I5 Quadcore my cpu usage is around 20% thats quite high i think. but not a big isue.But when i host on my laptop wich has an amd turion dualcore the cpu useage of rt_sv_win32.exe is around 50% thats to high i think.You guys have also this that you get high CPU usage? i remember when i hosted an server on my pentium 3 450 mhz in 1999 i didnt have any isues.
Could this be an multicore problem or maybe the newer windows?


Number of posts : 269
Age : 43
Registration date : 2009-09-28

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High cpu useage dedicated servers. Empty Re: High cpu useage dedicated servers.

Post by Sniffa Tha Hud 2nd December 2012, 23:07

X4nd3r wrote:Well first i got 2 computers where ive hosted servers on.When i host an dedicated server on my I5 Quadcore my cpu usage is around 20% thats quite high i think. but not a big isue.But when i host on my laptop wich has an amd turion dualcore the cpu useage of rt_sv_win32.exe is around 50% thats to high i think.You guys have also this that you get high CPU usage? i remember when i hosted an server on my pentium 3 450 mhz in 1999 i didnt have any isues.
Could this be an multicore problem or maybe the newer windows?

on my xeon server turok uses 18% of the 2 cores its running on so that sounds right u must rember the amd does not have near the math co-processor as the intel so it will use a lot more cpu to do the same job . the 2 cores i run mine on are dedicated to turok useing the set affinity option that leaves me 6 spare cores to run the system and any other progies i need to
Sniffa Tha Hud
Sniffa Tha Hud

Number of posts : 259
Registration date : 2009-06-05

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High cpu useage dedicated servers. Empty Re: High cpu useage dedicated servers.

Post by kBg*Basber 2nd December 2012, 23:36

The affinity thing and compatibility modes don't change it..
But it's not normal, i think the cpu load should be around 1% lol
It's just weird that a 13 year old program needs so much ressources.

If i use the turok game to host integrated, i have about 0% cpu load :-|


Number of posts : 611
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2009-05-15


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High cpu useage dedicated servers. Empty Re: High cpu useage dedicated servers.

Post by Sniffa Tha Hud 3rd December 2012, 01:02

kBg*Basber wrote:The affinity thing and compatibility modes don't change it..
But it's not normal, i think the cpu load should be around 1% lol
It's just weird that a 13 year old program needs so much ressources.

If i use the turok game to host integrated, i have about 0% cpu load :-|

the built in host uses nothing but in windows 7 and 2008r2 the dedicated uses a bit more for some reason
Sniffa Tha Hud
Sniffa Tha Hud

Number of posts : 259
Registration date : 2009-06-05

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High cpu useage dedicated servers. Empty Re: High cpu useage dedicated servers.

Post by Sniffa Tha Hud 3rd December 2012, 03:47

I rebooted my server and started turok server on clean boot rtserver uses 2 threads and 16.2 % cpu this is normal my old p4 server used 42%
Sniffa Tha Hud
Sniffa Tha Hud

Number of posts : 259
Registration date : 2009-06-05

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High cpu useage dedicated servers. Empty Re: High cpu useage dedicated servers.

Post by Assdigger 5th June 2013, 11:06

Why don´t u just build a Pentium III Pc from old parts (or parts you buy on ebay which will cost u nothing more than 50€)

and host the with that?

I build a Pentium III Tualatin 1,4ghz Pc for old games running on Win Xp

I son´t have any problems

Number of posts : 78
Age : 32
Registration date : 2010-06-01

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High cpu useage dedicated servers. Empty Re: High cpu useage dedicated servers.

Post by Assdigger 5th June 2013, 11:09

Assdigger wrote:Why don´t u just build a Pentium III Pc from old parts (or parts you buy on ebay which will cost u nothing more than 50€)

and host the game with that?

You will have a low power PC, which u can easily run 24/7 without a Screen attached to it just to host.

Which is better? F*ckin up ya new built CoreI5 system by lettin it run that long only to host Turok servers,

or to have a 100Watt Pc doing that job and decreasing your Electricity Bill.

I built a Pentium III Tualatin 1,4ghz Pc for old games running on Win Xp

I don´t have any problems

Number of posts : 78
Age : 32
Registration date : 2010-06-01

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High cpu useage dedicated servers. Empty Re: High cpu useage dedicated servers.

Post by Assdigger 17th June 2013, 07:12


Number of posts : 78
Age : 32
Registration date : 2010-06-01

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High cpu useage dedicated servers. Empty Re: High cpu useage dedicated servers.

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