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about hosting a server 24/24 ?rvb=%23000000&texte=%23FFFFFF&hauteur=155&largeur=120&afficher=all

about hosting a server 24/24

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about hosting a server 24/24 Empty about hosting a server 24/24

Post by CHIRAC 9th October 2011, 20:04

does anyone know how to host a server 24/24. Do i need to let my computer turn on 24/24? or is there another solution?


Number of posts : 1145
Age : 44
Localisation : FRANCE
Registration date : 2009-02-08


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about hosting a server 24/24 Empty Re: about hosting a server 24/24

Post by Seb@s 9th October 2011, 20:48

If you maintain your server 24 hours online?
your computer turned on 24 hours also

Number of posts : 500
Age : 43
Localisation : Uruguay
Registration date : 2009-05-15


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about hosting a server 24/24 Empty Re: about hosting a server 24/24

Post by Birdskiller 10th October 2011, 20:34

i remember when i was in roh, we paid for some call of duty servers, not sure it's possible with t2.


Number of posts : 1278
Localisation : France
Registration date : 2009-05-14

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about hosting a server 24/24 Empty Re: about hosting a server 24/24

Post by X4nd3r 12th October 2011, 22:35

The cheapest way is to leave your computer on the whole day with the servers running on it.Maybe you have an old computer where you can host on it and leave it on and use your main pc for normal use .You can also rent servers that an company will host an server for you but dunno if they do that for turok 2 and that can be expensive.


Number of posts : 269
Age : 43
Registration date : 2009-09-28

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about hosting a server 24/24 Empty Re: about hosting a server 24/24

Post by Sniffa Tha Hud 17th October 2011, 21:19

CHIRAC wrote:does anyone know how to host a server 24/24. Do i need to let my computer turn on 24/24? or is there another solution?


i use a cheap computer for a server turn on remote desktop and tell it in the bios to hault on no errors and configure ur firewall to allow only local network in remote desktop then u only need a network cable and power cable plugged into it u access it via remote desktop from ur game machine i have a core 2 duo with 2 gig ram and an old 7950gt video with 160 hdd at the moment as my server its 100 ft away in a closet thats the easiest way for me .
Sniffa Tha Hud
Sniffa Tha Hud

Number of posts : 259
Registration date : 2009-06-05

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about hosting a server 24/24 Empty Re: about hosting a server 24/24

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