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hosting  dedicated server problem ?rvb=%23000000&texte=%23FFFFFF&hauteur=155&largeur=120&afficher=all

hosting dedicated server problem

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hosting  dedicated server problem Empty hosting dedicated server problem

Post by CHIRAC 2nd November 2009, 13:30

Since few weeks i have problems to host dedicated server.
normally i run rt program and gm program, then i join my server by the "LAN" option in the turok game.
But now i cant see my server in the "LAN" , then people who try to join the server ca connect on it but have "connection broken"ping 9999 after few seconds...

i got a router but i havent change anything on it, the only thing i ve recently change is my firewall, and anti virus , but even if i turn it off , i have the same problems....
i cant host an integrated server cause theres so much lags on it.

if someone have an idea .... thx a lot.

Number of posts : 1145
Age : 44
Localisation : FRANCE
Registration date : 2009-02-08


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hosting  dedicated server problem Empty Re: hosting dedicated server problem

Post by X4nd3r 2nd November 2009, 15:04

First u have to test if the problem is your computer or router. first try to disconnect your router by plugging the cable direct from your modem in your computer. then if u still got the problem its your computer if it solves its your router. If its your router you should configure it open the dmz option and the virtual server options in your router. Good luck Smile


Number of posts : 269
Age : 43
Registration date : 2009-09-28

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hosting  dedicated server problem Empty Re: hosting dedicated server problem

Post by CHIRAC 2nd November 2009, 18:31

my modem is my router to so i cant stop router cause i stop my modem to .... but i ll try to open dmz perhaps i will host something with that ...

Number of posts : 1145
Age : 44
Localisation : FRANCE
Registration date : 2009-02-08


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hosting  dedicated server problem Empty Re: hosting dedicated server problem

Post by CHIRAC 6th November 2009, 10:22

ok my DMZ is on ... but still have the same problem to host ... little question for those who host dedicated server with a router :
when i run my rtime program my local ip is and when i join it my local ip is the same... isnt have to be (my router ip ) ?

Number of posts : 1145
Age : 44
Localisation : FRANCE
Registration date : 2009-02-08


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