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Ping changing? ?rvb=%23000000&texte=%23FFFFFF&hauteur=155&largeur=120&afficher=all

Ping changing?

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Ping changing? Empty Ping changing?

Post by Ry 24th June 2009, 09:47

I know there's a program that Basber made and it changes your ping. What I want to know is, can this program lower the ping, or only make it higher than normal? This happened on IceKilla's server. Some idiot pretending to be me, running around, killing people in one hit. Brolli was there, but then he quit. That sucked, because I was interested in playing against him. I thought it was IceKilla at first, due to the ping, but now I'm confused.

Ping changing? Oookqp

Who did you give this program to, Basber? Not including Hiro.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by BrLi 24th June 2009, 09:49

I m 100% sure it wasnt Ice, hes my little bitch and he would never cheat or be lame like this dick.

I ve already seen people changing their pings in a server, got one day a retard named "Adolf Hitler" who seted his ping to 88.


Number of posts : 298
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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Birdskiller 24th June 2009, 10:05

You can indeed decrease your ping even to 0 with some trainers.
I've also heard you can kill with a single raptor hit, do you guys know about it?


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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by kBg*Basber 24th June 2009, 10:11

Ry wrote:I know there's a program that Basber made and it changes your ping.

Who did you give this program to, Basber? Not including Hiro.

stop bullshitting me.


Number of posts : 611
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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Ry 24th June 2009, 10:53

Birdskiller wrote:You can indeed decrease your ping even to 0 with some trainers.
I've also heard you can kill with a single raptor hit, do you guys know about it?

I don't know if that's sarcasm or not. I still laffed.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Ry 24th June 2009, 10:54

kBg*Basber wrote:
Ry wrote:I know there's a program that Basber made and it changes your ping.

Who did you give this program to, Basber? Not including Hiro.

stop bullshitting me.

I'm not. :S Hiro told me that you made a program and he has it. He even showed it to me, so I guess you're calling Hiro a liar, or you lied to him. Ok.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Ry 24th June 2009, 11:05

BrLi wrote:I m 100% sure it wasnt Ice, hes my little bitch and he would never cheat or be lame like this dick.

I ve already seen people changing their pings in a server, got one day a retard named "Adolf Hitler" who seted his ping to 88.

An update about what's just happened.

Ping changing? 17114074

Ping changing? 22382941

Ping changing? 15547797

Same low ping, but what doesn't make any sense is that IceKilla could have any trainer he wants, so why would he even for a second destroy his own server for. :S IceKilla's one of the people who without a doubt would have every possible connection to get any trainer he desires. I'm confused. :S I doubt it's you, IceKilla, but this's what happens when you let idiots who cheat on your server.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Ry 24th June 2009, 11:08

Oh yeah, once again D30 was using that rubbish on your server. I would've made my server if I had more game time. Atleast I got to play some good games without any cheats and the cheats from D30 were getting used against other's to. I know you do stuff about the cheater's when you're there, but there were some good player's in your server and it wasn't good when they all left due to what was going on.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by kBg*Basber 24th June 2009, 12:34

Ry wrote:
kBg*Basber wrote:
Ry wrote:I know there's a program that Basber made and it changes your ping.

Who did you give this program to, Basber? Not including Hiro.

stop bullshitting me.

I'm not. :S Hiro told me that you made a program and he has it. He even showed it to me, so I guess you're calling Hiro a liar, or you lied to him. Ok.

okay sorry


Number of posts : 611
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2009-05-15


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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Ry 24th June 2009, 13:19

kBg*Basber wrote:
Ry wrote:
kBg*Basber wrote:
Ry wrote:I know there's a program that Basber made and it changes your ping.

Who did you give this program to, Basber? Not including Hiro.

stop bullshitting me.

I'm not. :S Hiro told me that you made a program and he has it. He even showed it to me, so I guess you're calling Hiro a liar, or you lied to him. Ok.

okay sorry

So back to the question. Who else did you give the program to? Not including Hiro. I have my own thoughts, but I just want to see what you say first, before I start thinking. I'll also wait for IceKilla before I start thinking, to see what he says about all of this.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by kBg*Basber 24th June 2009, 13:52

well, the ping faker is included in the trainer that highkilla has, too.


Number of posts : 611
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2009-05-15


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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by kBg*He4Dsh0T 24th June 2009, 15:40

this gay already used the name of everbody except of sjembek and santa, ask them lol they both know how to cheat

Number of posts : 134
Registration date : 2009-06-15

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by kBg*SANTA 24th June 2009, 19:04

Birdskiller wrote:You can indeed decrease your ping even to 0 with some trainers.
I've also heard you can kill with a single raptor hit, do you guys know about it?

I use that all the time against ry..(xcept that its 50 dam per claw)

Arrow I never cheat to fuk up a server..i only cheat against other cheaters or play as OHKO raptor. Arrow
Ping changer sux0r,,i never can get that to work

Ping changing? Pingy


Number of posts : 110
Registration date : 2009-06-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by icekilla 24th June 2009, 22:43

Alright, well that was NOT ME. I never used that name before in my life. Also, I wouldnt be on at that time anyways. I have a job now and I don't even get on till this time right now. When pretty much all of yall are asleep except for whoever lives in the USA. But, Ry, if U ever see me for now on Monday - Friday it'll be when U wake up. Except for the weekends. And I have no trainer and no I wouldn't fuck up my own server with that shit. That's just retarded.

Number of posts : 833
Age : 38
Localisation : Texas
Registration date : 2009-04-12

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Ry 25th June 2009, 01:08

icekilla wrote:Alright, well that was NOT ME. I never used that name before in my life. Also, I wouldnt be on at that time anyways. I have a job now and I don't even get on till this time right now. When pretty much all of yall are asleep except for whoever lives in the USA. But, Ry, if U ever see me for now on Monday - Friday it'll be when U wake up. Except for the weekends. And I have no trainer and no I wouldn't fuck up my own server with that shit. That's just retarded.

Yay. =) Lol.
As for who I think it is, I think it's Bad Santa. Why, this's why. (Prepare for long sentences. Lol.)

The following people I don't think it is.

Bad Lizard.
Why not him, because even though he's ruined game's before, he never hides his identity. ;] He's not like that.

I've had heated words with him before, at the time when he said he was drinking. </3 But he was going to do that immature shit to me, he would've done it a long time ago

We play great games together.

Same reason as Turgor.

He was in the game at the time it happened.

He can't speak English.

Same reason as VSPlayer.

As if. Lol.

He can't speak English. The only English I've heard him say is "Kill to all.". Lol.

That to me only leaves one person left. Bad Santa. These trainer's aren't candy in packet, so not everybody has such destructive programs. ;] This isn't one of those game's anymore where you can say "It could be anybody.", because the fact is that this game's a dead one. Considering you've lied more than once, Bad Santa, not only to me, but on this forum about me, I have no reason to believe you. For your sake, you best talk your buddy D30 and get the information required for me to clear your name, until then, keep your shit off my server. Oh yeah, one ore thing to add. Starting character was Telset to. ;] Huge coincidence there. ;] The second picture shows Endtrail, but I go with what my eyes see first. ;] D30 got the person's contact information, so it should be even easier for you. As for your ping changing, I do feel that I believe you, but even still, your lies have what put you in this situation. Honesty's the best. I know I've seen your ping higher than normal on my own server. This person also was trash talking about me. It's hard to imagine it to be a random person to be honest.

I forgot the timezone's between us, so the next time I see you, I'll get the timezone's, then I'll PM you with a list of time's of when I can play for the tournament. Until then, get the information I need.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Ry 25th June 2009, 01:10

To IceKilla.
I was just saying "Yay" to the cheater not being you. Just incase that wasn't clear.
Seriously, give me editing. ;[

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Hexx 25th June 2009, 01:58

Wooow, incredible :-D
Such a mere matter like ping changing has such an influence :-D

But ok...
I think like it looks right now we have to await a fiercy battle from Ry agains Bad Santa :-D

Okk another thing...
Today I played Arena with Sanctanox and somehow a red Turok in a total other team played although he wasn't in the teams that ha their current battle...
Ok, I wantet to post it, bad it disapeared as fast as it apeared.. this player rose about Sanctanox's Frag count and there was an empty line at the score screen (F1)
If I killed him, no ill string was shown. If he killed me it was the normal killstring, but without some name of a player that killed me...
something like that:

[KOP] Hexx was seared away by

It was really strange... Ok than he pretended to be you.. changed his name into Ry played the game normally until it ended and than after i said I don't trust his words, that he really is Ry, I said it clearly. Than he changed his name to [LDB ] H!GHK!LLA . Seems like he uses Trainers on and on.. And he said he got now a furchter Trainer :PPP

Ok this was everything.. but If I remember it right at first hs Ping as like 430 or something like that and then 758 or something like this.....
But I don't see the point in the ping changing matter... the ping changes to if you download something or whatever....

Number of posts : 862
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Registration date : 2009-04-26

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Ry 25th June 2009, 02:23

Hexx wrote:Wooow, incredible :-D
Such a mere matter like ping changing has such an influence :-D

But ok...
I think like it looks right now we have to await a fiercy battle from Ry agains Bad Santa :-D

Okk another thing...
Today I played Arena with Sanctanox and somehow a red Turok in a total other team played although he wasn't in the teams that ha their current battle...
Ok, I wantet to post it, bad it disapeared as fast as it apeared.. this player rose about Sanctanox's Frag count and there was an empty line at the score screen (F1)
If I killed him, no ill string was shown. If he killed me it was the normal killstring, but without some name of a player that killed me...
something like that:

[KOP] Hexx was seared away by

It was really strange... Ok than he pretended to be you.. changed his name into Ry played the game normally until it ended and than after i said I don't trust his words, that he really is Ry, I said it clearly. Than he changed his name to [LDB ] H!GHK!LLA . Seems like he uses Trainers on and on.. And he said he got now a furchter Trainer :PPP

Ok this was everything.. but If I remember it right at first hs Ping as like 430 or something like that and then 758 or something like this.....
But I don't see the point in the ping changing matter... the ping changes to if you download something or whatever....

Ok, that might explain the whole red Turok losing against Hiro now. Maybe not. My memory doesn't remember everything, but I know I'd never pick red for a 1 on 1 with Hiro. If that picture with Hiro and I was recent, then it's not me.
That wasn't Highkilla. That was D30. D30 marks the letter "i" with a "!". ;] Highkilla never has a 430 ping. Lol. That would be good if he did, but nah, that's not him. He changed his ping, probably knowing that Highkilla has a high ping. It's good you observed it all, Hexx. Information like that's a good thing.
Yeah, that invisible name thing. I've seen Basber do that before. It doesn't say you killed them, but you still get the Frag.
I guess the main thing would be, did this "Highkilla" speak the same language as you? Highkilla isn't one for English. ;]
But yeah, this isn't the guy who was in IceKilla's server pretending to be him. Some people seriously need to get a life, instead of pretending to be other's on the internet while cheating on an old game. x] I did hear that Highkilla still has his trainer though and that he used it in Chirac's server, while Chirac was pretending to be somebody else. If he spoke good English, it's not him. I seriously don't see people deleting these trainer's. Lol. I don't know why they would even have them to begin with. They'll never come in handy one day, so I don't see what the point is in even keeping it. ;] Maybe people have memories attached to them. <3
What server was this on?
And yeah, that's not me. Lol. I never pretend to be anybody. =]

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by icekilla 25th June 2009, 03:48

Ry, U shouldnt be blaming it on Bad Santa... I mean yea just say U might think its him but U still have no proof that it was for sure. Cuz later if U find out it wasnt him, you're gunna look stupid. And plus if I was Bad Santa..and found out U were trying to blame shit on me when it really wasnt, I know I'd be pissed and would cheat against U 4 sure.

Number of posts : 833
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Registration date : 2009-04-12

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Ry 25th June 2009, 04:19

icekilla wrote:Ry, U shouldnt be blaming it on Bad Santa... I mean yea just say U might think its him but U still have no proof that it was for sure. Cuz later if U find out it wasnt him, you're gunna look stupid. And plus if I was Bad Santa..and found out U were trying to blame shit on me when it really wasnt, I know I'd be pissed and would cheat against U 4 sure.

What's wrong with people like you. Don't you ever read anything. I'm more than sure it's him and if it's not, then he's only got himself to blame for all his lies, which I clearly said above. ;] I did my research on who it might be and it all fingers point at him.
Clearly I'm not blaming him for anything. I'm just saying it how I see it. I havn't played a single game without him using his trainer atleast once in it. I've also seen him use a huge amount of names to. He's pretended to be other people more than once. I'm speaking from experience here, not from guessing. ;]
Cheat against me and see how that goes. Clearly I'll do what I have to if that's the case, which's already clear enough. ;]
It's not my problem somebody's decided to lie more than once, while cheating at the same time. ;] After all of this, maybe, just maybe there might be a lesson learned from this experience. ;]
I'm sticking with what I've said and I'll just wait to see if it was him or if it wasn't. I've already been more than annoyed from his trainer getting used in the game. I've eliminated everybody I could possibly think of who it could be. This person also talked trash about me, so that right there indicated it's not somebody we don't know, IceKilla. ;] Keep up to speed with this would you.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Ry 25th June 2009, 04:29

Also, it was Brolli who also said that Bad Santa was cheating on Jager's server, on another name. ;] If it's not Bad Santa, then well, that would surprise me, after so much points to the guy. The only thing I thought was weird out of it all though, was that D30 got this person's ICQ number, when he already has Bad Santa on another IM. scratch I guess there's my one doubt that it might not be him, but everything else points at him, so it's hard to ignore so much compared to one thing. I'd like to think I'm wrong and it would be good if I'm wrong, but at the same time, I don't care if it's him. There's just too much in my favor for me to be wrong about this though, but we'll see.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Bla Bla Bla

Post by kBg*SANTA 25th June 2009, 07:00

Two words RY
Bite me


Number of posts : 110
Registration date : 2009-06-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by CHIRAC 25th June 2009, 07:43

who cares about the changing ping seriously, no interesting at all.... it 's just a gadget in that hell trainer

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by kBg*Sjembek~ 25th June 2009, 07:47


Why you people keep blaming basber about trainers.
He made it, SO FUCKING WHAT?

Ry, keep your mouth shut, i posted a s/s too, and yes you cheated.

rox0r jo0 b0xor~


Number of posts : 51
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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

Post by Ry 25th June 2009, 07:52

kBg*SjEmBeK wrote:Hi

Why you people keep blaming basber about trainers.
He made it, SO FUCKING WHAT?

Ry, keep your mouth shut, i posted a s/s too, and yes you cheated.

rox0r jo0 b0xor~


I wasn't blaming anybody. I was simply asking Basber who else he gave the program to, not including Hiro and no, I didn't cheat. You're just a sore loser, man.

To Chirac.
I was just interested in knowing something. It's why I made something in the Help section.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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Ping changing? Empty Re: Ping changing?

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