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Chirac screenshot

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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by vis 27th February 2014, 16:10

Last what i know about Peukka is that he get new net and we tested that and he couldn't play Turok 2, i tryed to help him, but it not worked. I am sorry , Sebas, i fast regruting them, hehe, but i am clanleader and i take full reponsability for own clan, new members. You see, Peukka and Travis are good players, they not hold mouse first time, and yes, they are real humans, not faked by jager, me or other curent players, yes, i haved good contact with Peukka, helped him in tranning, played many hours with him, so he is total normal player for me, all is expected. Travis aka Tur0k is very good player in other games, that have over milions players base, so all words are not nesesary for me. If you wanna to test him, be free, i understand, i was untrustty when we played some matches, cos not saw a long time so good aim, well, all is normall on end : ) I can help you in this: you 2 can play on my servers, or i can ask him to host game, so it will be best pings for you 2. I not interested to organase your match on CID server, cos hector is not my friend, please understand. Ty. You 2 can agree about match, if you wanna, and i can help , if i can, yes, it would be interested match : D, but, it is only reason why i am intererested, cos you 2 are very good players and diferant in same time, not interested to test him, i trusth him, complitlly now. About my reasons, why i not played with you, well, sometime you joined and said that is hard to play with big ping, 350+, and it is reason to not play , right? Well, you check gamespy and see when i play, join, friend, and we will play, i rearlly play 1 vs 1 cos it is not fun for me like in old days, when i wanned to see how far i can go...Understand? Greetings.

Number of posts : 527
Age : 36
Localisation : Serbia
Registration date : 2012-05-12


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by Birdskiller 27th February 2014, 19:18

i don't understand a single stuff ...well guess u are right vis : i am definetely (too) old  Crying or Very sad ...maybe retirement time scratch


Number of posts : 1278
Localisation : France
Registration date : 2009-05-14

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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by CHIRAC 27th February 2014, 19:28

oui trop complexe pour moi aussi cette histoire... bon en meme temps je lis que des livres plein d'images sinon je comprend pas Wink

Number of posts : 1145
Age : 44
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Registration date : 2009-02-08


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by Seb@s 27th February 2014, 22:34

Pues estoy verdaderamente enfadado con su actitud y con Got turok tambièn. Por el momento no estoy màs en su clan.
Ademàs lo desafio a usted y Travis vs Hector y yo.
O sòlo usted vs me.
O sôlo Travis vs me.
Como quiera!!
Si acepta hablo con Hector para que abra el server, solo diga dia y hora.
Elijo ese server sòlo porque mi ping es mejor. Asi estaremos màs parejos en condiciones.

Sobre Hector puedo decir que es mi amigo y sê lo que hace y lo que no hace. Estoy tratando de cambiar su actitud pero a veces creo tiene razòn èl y no yo.

Number of posts : 500
Age : 43
Localisation : Uruguay
Registration date : 2009-05-15


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by vis 28th February 2014, 00:20

Wrong, wrong, Sebas. No1 make jokes with you or hate you, if that you thinking, fight that not happend , not means that will never happend hehe Comprendes, es deficilo por me, contral ideal solution por todo. Tienes problemo conmigo, suspechas qual yo no tiene interese por juego contigo, ajajaja, eso es comedia, pero: I acept all, take your time, friend! We played many  good games, and we will more : )

Number of posts : 527
Age : 36
Localisation : Serbia
Registration date : 2012-05-12


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by Seb@s 28th February 2014, 03:05

Esta es la traducciòn pero es mala. No comprendo que dice.

" Mal, mal, Sebas. No1 hacer bromas con usted o te odian, si que pensar, luchar contra eso no sucedió, no significa que nunca sucedió hehe Comprendes, es deficilo Por mí, contral ideales TODO solución porción. Tienes problemo conmigo, suspechas qual yo NO TIENE interese porción Juego contigo, ajajaja, Eso Es comedia, Pero: Yo acept todo, tómese su tiempo, amigo! Hemos jugado muchos partidos buenos, y lo haremos más:) "

Alguno que comprenda màs español puede decirme que dice?

No1 hacer bromas con usted o te odian ??? 

si que pensar, luchar contra eso no sucedió, no significa que nunca sucedió hehe ??

Tienes problemo conmigo, suspechas qual yo NO TIENE interese porción Juego contigo, ajajaja, Eso Es comedia, ???

etc, etc, etc, NOT UNDERSTAND.


Number of posts : 500
Age : 43
Localisation : Uruguay
Registration date : 2009-05-15


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by Seb@s 28th February 2014, 15:43

Sleep  zzZZZzzzZZzz   Sleep

Number of posts : 500
Age : 43
Localisation : Uruguay
Registration date : 2009-05-15


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by Seb@s 28th February 2014, 16:49

Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Screen12Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Screen13Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Screen14Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Screen15Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Screen16Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Screen17


Number of posts : 500
Age : 43
Localisation : Uruguay
Registration date : 2009-05-15


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by Birdskiller 28th February 2014, 21:24

only positive point is i'm not the only one who don't understand shit. I'm clearly on mental decline -that's a fact - but i'm not the only one at least!


Number of posts : 1278
Localisation : France
Registration date : 2009-05-14

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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by Seb@s 2nd March 2014, 14:51

Jagger entered  only in server Perù.
He faces Hector.
I respect that. Respect Jager.
But clanleader that look drawings animated and run like rabbit ??   Embarassed  Embarassed  Embarassed

Number of posts : 500
Age : 43
Localisation : Uruguay
Registration date : 2009-05-15


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by vis 2nd March 2014, 16:58

Chirac screenshot - Page 8 2014-077Chirac screenshot - Page 8 2014-076Chirac screenshot - Page 8 2014-075Chirac screenshot - Page 8 2014-074

Number of posts : 527
Age : 36
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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by Seb@s 2nd March 2014, 23:21

Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Screen20Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Screen19Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Screen21

Number of posts : 500
Age : 43
Localisation : Uruguay
Registration date : 2009-05-15


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by Seb@s 2nd March 2014, 23:24

¦ Turok2 Console Output! (by kBg*Basber)     ¦
¦                                            ¦
¦ It shows the Message of the game and       ¦
¦ saves them to 'console.log' file.          ¦
¦ It only works for Turok2MP v1.04e          ¦
> Game found!
> Preparing to log the Console output...

  ServerName: +³"
  Server IP :
  Date      : 2.3.2014
  Time      : 15:37
--------------- Console Output ---------------
1:  To All: and?
2:  (GoT) vis *RS*: hola
3:  To All: hi
4:  (GoT) vis *RS*: yo veo jeff vs hector
5:  To All: i have with peopple
6:  To All: in home
7:  (GoT) vis *RS*: oh
8:  (GoT) vis *RS*: oki
9:  (GoT) vis *RS*: cu
10: To All: what uo?
11: (GoT) vis *RS*: guests
12: To All: up
13: (GoT) vis *RS*: you have guests in home?
14: (GoT) vis *RS*: visitors?
15: To All: yes now
16: (GoT) vis *RS*: ok, i make joke for you on forum
17: To All: come on server peru?
18: (GoT) vis *RS*: hope that you like hehe
19: To All: not joke
20: (GoT) vis *RS*: i was on cid server
21: (GoT) vis *RS*: i make joke on forum
22: To All: see my ping
23: (GoT) vis *RS*: about you and me
24: (GoT) vis *RS*: go look
25: (GoT) vis *RS*: my ping was 236 on hectors server
26: (GoT) vis *RS*: very low
27: To All: my ping here see
28: (GoT) vis *RS*: but hector have net problems
29: (GoT) vis *RS*: many warps
30: (GoT) vis *RS*: when i watched him and jeff
31: (GoT) vis *RS*: lagged a lot
32: (GoT) vis *RS*: warps
33: (GoT) vis *RS*: well
34: (GoT) vis *RS*: .20/19
35: To All: win?
36: (GoT) vis *RS*: yea, but i would repit match
37: (GoT) vis *RS*: cos warps
38: (GoT) vis *RS*: jeff was 15/6
39: To All: davis is got turok
40: (GoT) vis *RS*: then waerd shots started on bouth side
41: (GoT) vis *RS*: cos warps
42: (GoT) vis *RS*: davis is not travis
43: (GoT) vis *RS*: i am not travis
44: To All: call travis and join
45: (GoT) vis *RS*: travis is travis

> Disconnected from Server!
> Waiting for the game...
¦ Turok2 Console Output! (by kBg*Basber)     ¦
¦                                            ¦
¦ It shows the Message of the game and       ¦
¦ saves them to 'console.log' file.          ¦
¦ It only works for Turok2MP v1.04e          ¦
> Game found!
> Preparing to log the Console output...

  ServerName: +³"
  Server IP :
  Date      : 2.3.2014
  Time      : 15:44
--------------- Console Output ---------------
1:  (GoT) vis *RS*: in command
2:  (GoT) Tur0k's new name is nextlevel
3:  levelchange:on: Need 1 more. 60 seconds time remaining
4:  To All: maldita sea hector cerro el server
5:  (GoT) vis *RS*'s new name is nextlevel
6:  Frag limit hit.
7:  levelchange:on: Vote passed in 8.268 seconds. (2 votes) ... Changing map.
8:  nextlevel: see, travis
9:  nextlevel: levelchanger
10: nextlevel's new name is (GoT) vis *RS*
11: Switching to level 4: Harbor-1
12: levelchange:on is watching.
13: (GoT) vis *RS* is watching.
14: nextlevel is back for more.
15: (GoT) vis *RS*: works when we have 50 procent of vote
16: (GoT) vis *RS*: so, be free to use that
17: (GoT) vis *RS*: ok?
18: nextlevel: aight
19: (GoT) vis *RS*: and if you keep name in next level like now
20: (GoT) vis *RS*: it can be calculated like vote again
21: (GoT) vis *RS*: so you back old1
22: (GoT) vis *RS*: nick
23: (GoT) vis *RS*: you downloading?
24: (GoT) vis *RS*: hehe
25: nextlevel: nope
26: (GoT) vis *RS*: .469 is big
27: (GoT) vis *RS*: type
28: (GoT) vis *RS*: comamnd
29: nextlevel: my poing is usually high
30: (GoT) vis *RS*: ping server
31: (GoT) vis *RS*: sebas
32: (GoT) vis *RS*: ?
33: (GoT) vis *RS*: you can turn on steam?
34: To All: que
35: (GoT) vis *RS*: travis?
36: nextlevel: yeah im in steam
37: nextlevel: something is updating
38: (GoT) vis *RS*: sebas have problem
39: (GoT) vis *RS*: he not know you
40: (GoT) vis *RS*: he thinks tha tyou other player
41: nextlevel: ??????????????????
42: (GoT) vis *RS*: so, can you give him your steam conntact?
43: nextlevel: yeah
44: (GoT) vis *RS*: and he can add you
45: (GoT) vis *RS*: sebas?
46: nextlevel: whose sebas nmae?
47: (GoT) vis *RS*: travis have info on account on steam
48: To All:     que
49: (GoT) vis *RS*: sebas is player from urugvay
50: (GoT) vis *RS*: veteran
51: (GoT) vis *RS*: and he can't belive that you playing so good after 1 month p
52: (GoT) vis *RS*: that is only problem
53: To All: travis you and vis vs me and hector?
54: (GoT) vis *RS*: travis?
55: (GoT) vis *RS*: nope
56: To All: accept?
57: (GoT) vis *RS*: hector is not my friend
58: To All: o run ravvit
59: (GoT) vis *RS*: you are friend, sebas
60: To All: no
61: (GoT) vis *RS*: why no?
62: (GoT) vis *RS*: travis is travis
63: horst is watching.
64: (GoT) vis *RS*: peukka is peukka
65: To All: you test me
66: (GoT) vis *RS*: nope
67: To All: not like
68: horst has joined team nitro!
69: To All: now travis and you vs me and hector
70: killtherabbit is watching.
71: (GoT) vis *RS*: sebas?
72: To All: que
73: (GoT) vis *RS*: i not like to play with you when you have lag, and you say i
t is hard to play
74: (GoT) vis *RS*: then is best to not play
75: horst got seared by nextlevel.
76: (GoT) vis *RS*: so i disconnect
77: (GoT) vis *RS*: and come on server to talk
78: To All: server jager?
79: (GoT) vis *RS*: that all
80: (GoT) vis *RS*: no no
81: (GoT) vis *RS*: here
82: To All: no
83: (GoT) vis *RS*: you haved big ping
84: (GoT) vis *RS*: and said that is hard for you
85: To All: not in your server
86: (GoT) vis *RS*: sebas
87: (GoT) vis *RS*: resons why i not played with you
88: To All: travis rabbit?
89: To All: and you?
90: (GoT) vis *RS*: yea
91: (GoT) vis *RS*: he is rabbit
92: horst got seared by nextlevel.
93: (GoT) vis *RS*: skilled rabbit
94: (GoT) vis *RS*: : )
95: (GoT) vis *RS*: hi horst
96: nextlevel got caught in horst's fire storm.
97: To All: server crazy?
98: nextlevel's new name is (GoT) Tur0k
99: horst caught a bullet from (GoT) Tur0k.
100:(GoT) vis *RS*: killtherabbit?
101:(GoT) vis *RS*: jeffy?
102:(GoT) vis *RS*: hi
103:horst got caught in (GoT) Tur0k's fire storm.
104:To All: moment i see hector ionline
105:horst got seared by (GoT) Tur0k.
106:To All: increible cerro  e; server
107:horst got seared by (GoT) Tur0k.
108:horst got seared by (GoT) Tur0k.
109:To All: contact jager for open server?
110:(GoT) vis *RS*: nope
111:(GoT) Tur0k: brb
112:(GoT) vis *RS*: oki
113:(GoT) vis *RS*: i not wanna to do anything bad, sebas
114:To All: ok cya i have visitors in home

> Disconnected from Server!
> Waiting for the game...



Number of posts : 500
Age : 43
Localisation : Uruguay
Registration date : 2009-05-15


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by vis 3rd March 2014, 00:53

Using bugs for win is cheating! I not see that Marko fraging some1 from air, so... I trusth in Marko, he knows what is cheating! Is sad, that is low way to show something, that is not there, for veteran. You was member of GoT, you are welcome back, when you reallase that paranoide panic is not good friend! Enjoy in resting from GoT, was too much for your mind, unfortunattly : L , not evry player is fake and cheater, i not need anti-anything for me or my friends. Take time for all, easy pall, like oldbull would say, is wise, good luck with translating.

Number of posts : 527
Age : 36
Localisation : Serbia
Registration date : 2012-05-12


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by Seb@s 3rd March 2014, 02:03

  ServerName: +³"
  Server IP :
  Date      : 2.3.2014
  Time      : 22:37
--------------- Console Output ---------------
57: (GoT) vis *RS* is watching.
58: [CID]H3ctor..: este si es vis
59: [CID]H3ctor..: a ver ahora que dira?
60: [CID]H3ctor..: test anti cheat testa anti cheats !!! lo
61: To All: hi
62: (GoT) vis *RS*: hola sebas
63: [CID]H3ctor..: si es el
64: To All: hi
65: (GoT) vis *RS*: muy bien ping
67: To All: come on?
68: (GoT) vis *RS*: .228
69: (GoT) vis *RS*: tienes 8 mb adsl?
70: (GoT) vis *RS*: ahora
71: (GoT) vis *RS*: function bien
73: (GoT) vis *RS*: si
74: [CID]H3ctor..: solo eres un manipulador y conspirador!
75: (GoT) vis *RS*: no
81: (GoT) vis *RS*: jager was here?
82: To All: play vis?
83: [CID]H3ctor..: creo que el no quiere jugar aqui
85: (GoT) vis *RS*: anti-cheat exe for jager?
86: [CID]H3ctor..: solo sebas tiene el antic cheat
87: To All: el pregunta si es por jager
88: [CID]H3ctor..: jager ?
89: (GoT) vis *RS*: si
90: To All: que creastes el anticheat
91: [CID]H3ctor..: si ya esta listo
95: To All: anticheat is ok for run
96: [CID]H3ctor..: yes!
97: [CID]H3ctor..: multi conexion!
98: To All: you and me with anticheat vis?
100:(GoT) vis *RS*: sebas!?
101:To All: si?
103:To All: what?
104:(GoT) vis *RS*: you not trusth me?
110:(GoT) vis *RS*: well
111:To All: you have test me and got turok
112:To All: test is ok now
113:(GoT) vis *RS*: i not have to test you
118:To All: you and you friend turok vs me and hector
119:(GoT) vis *RS*: i know that you very good player, veteran, but...
120:(GoT) vis *RS*: think hard about , do you wanna to keep friendship
121:(GoT) vis *RS*: with manny good people in turok 2
122:(GoT) vis *RS*: paranoid way is not good way

Then server crash?
Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Screen23

I did not cause this situation.
Was you with the insistence call Travis every time I join  your server. As can be seen in catches.
You and Travis vs me?
Travis appear immediately, waiting for me?
Why ?? I do not know.
I do not know Travis. Do not know anything about him.
I also do not want to know. Travis no is my friend.
Now.. what is the problem? , did not want to challenge?
you and travis vs me and hector, or travis vs me, or you vs me. Its ok but only one condition, not bad ping for my. 
I do not understand his behavior vis but one thing is certain now...you no longer have my trust.

and I'm tired of talking.

Number of posts : 500
Age : 43
Localisation : Uruguay
Registration date : 2009-05-15


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by vis 3rd March 2014, 02:22

I am tired too, Sebas, good night. Sorry, all people on forum, on end, this all pretend to become uglly, so i will just stop here. Sorry, Jeff cos i used space in your ss domen.

Number of posts : 527
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2012-05-12


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by CHIRAC 10th October 2015, 14:23

i had a great game today. months i havent play turok2, thx Ry, ork and saladreactor.

Number of posts : 1145
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Registration date : 2009-02-08


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Chirac screenshot - Page 8 Empty Re: Chirac screenshot

Post by vis 10th October 2015, 18:37

CHIRAC wrote:i had a great game today. months i havent play turok2, thx Ry, ork and saladreactor.

Very Happy  Hope will cu, jeff, when I'm back soon hehehe Greetings!

Number of posts : 527
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2012-05-12


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