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Uber epic lam0r screenshots ?rvb=%23000000&texte=%23FFFFFF&hauteur=155&largeur=120&afficher=all

Uber epic lam0r screenshots

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Uber epic lam0r screenshots Empty Uber epic lam0r screenshots

Post by kBg*He4Dsh0T 29th December 2010, 21:05

This thread is for every lam0r like me or Jager, feel free to post laming screenshots.
Uber epic lam0r screenshots B1po

Uber epic game at Butchs server. GG lol

Uber epic lam0r screenshots B1p2


Number of posts : 134
Registration date : 2009-06-15

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Uber epic lam0r screenshots Empty Re: Uber epic lam0r screenshots

Post by Birdskiller 29th December 2010, 22:53

fuck 1100 pain 1 frag mediocre score no gg bs no more health never ever thanks Chirac Hiro lol

p.s Bas, Xan and Jag sorry, i got a break connection, too bad as it was a close game.


Number of posts : 1278
Localisation : France
Registration date : 2009-05-14

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Uber epic lam0r screenshots Empty Re: Uber epic lam0r screenshots

Post by Jäger 9th January 2011, 01:41

Ok some lame stuff

Uber epic lam0r screenshots 28-677
Uber epic lam0r screenshots 28-673

Number of posts : 740
Localisation : BS
Registration date : 2009-02-28

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Uber epic lam0r screenshots Empty Re: Uber epic lam0r screenshots

Post by Birdskiller 9th January 2011, 13:24

ok my turn : what to do in rok match when there is a better player than you (for exemple gin aka jager) in the server. Easy : just identify 1 or 2 free frags (guys who start playing, barely move, etc...), and hunt em constantly and consciously. If by luck they are purr lin (fat, easy to aim), its a real pleasure. Thx hamma and Wojo btw

Uber epic lam0r screenshots Ff_hun10


Number of posts : 1278
Localisation : France
Registration date : 2009-05-14

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Uber epic lam0r screenshots Empty Re: Uber epic lam0r screenshots

Post by kBg*He4Dsh0T 9th January 2011, 21:55

Birdskiller wrote:ok my turn : what to do in rok match when there is a better player than you (for exemple gin aka jager) in the server. Easy : just identify 1 or 2 free frags (guys who start playing, barely move, etc...), and hunt em constantly and consciously. If by luck they are purr lin (fat, easy to aim), its a real pleasure. Thx hamma and Wojo btw

Uber epic lam0r screenshots Ff_hun10
GG ur going to become a lam0rlegend

Number of posts : 134
Registration date : 2009-06-15

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Uber epic lam0r screenshots Empty Re: Uber epic lam0r screenshots

Post by kBg*He4Dsh0T 9th January 2011, 21:56

Jäger wrote:Ok some lame stuff

Uber epic lam0r screenshots 28-677
Uber epic lam0r screenshots 28-673

uber lam0r using cameraoffset but GG lol

Number of posts : 134
Registration date : 2009-06-15

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Uber epic lam0r screenshots Empty Re: Uber epic lam0r screenshots

Post by kBg*He4Dsh0T 27th January 2011, 22:28

Uber epic lam0r screenshots 12g3213


Number of posts : 134
Registration date : 2009-06-15

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Uber epic lam0r screenshots Empty Re: Uber epic lam0r screenshots

Post by Birdskiller 28th January 2011, 18:38

this fph trully owns lol!


Number of posts : 1278
Localisation : France
Registration date : 2009-05-14

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Uber epic lam0r screenshots Empty Re: Uber epic lam0r screenshots

Post by Birdskiller 5th February 2011, 22:44

seriously there are some uber lamers in this game, no kidding.
In Ex, Dk and me were doing pretty good (good team play bros), owning a so called KoP Ry (?) 19 - 10 or som like that.
Then guess what? Jaeger joined us cos we were about to win (4 vs 1 rofl), and the mysterious KoP Ry (fake?) just left the game, as show the screenies below :

Uber epic lam0r screenshots Lame210

Uber epic lam0r screenshots Lame311

lame lame lame


Number of posts : 1278
Localisation : France
Registration date : 2009-05-14

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Uber epic lam0r screenshots Empty Re: Uber epic lam0r screenshots

Post by kBg*He4Dsh0T 6th February 2011, 10:57

Omfg what a lamer, leaving the game after 19 frags...

Number of posts : 134
Registration date : 2009-06-15

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Uber epic lam0r screenshots Empty Re: Uber epic lam0r screenshots

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