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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago ?rvb=%23000000&texte=%23FFFFFF&hauteur=155&largeur=120&afficher=all

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Sniffa Tha Hud
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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by icekilla 12th April 2009, 21:12

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Icekickingrohass-1

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Icekillabestrokmatch-1
There was alot of fake namers here with my 0 deaths. I would've done the same thing too. LOL

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Kickedassinarena-1

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Kickedmajorassinrok-1
Aura-Z = Primagen

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Kickedrohassinrok-1
This pic was awhile back... Before Matadore, there was Fodedore!

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Kickingbuttinrok-1
=WsC= West Side Connection...They never were good in Rok.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Reallygoodrokmatch-1
Bunch of fake namers again. I found out Terra Patrick is Kirk of GZ.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Reallygoodrokmatch-1
Clanfight a long time ago vs HHH and Crazytrain back in their prime.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago 13
Another CF pic with [NBK] Natural Born Killers. Most people don't know of em unless they are a vet at least 8 or more yrs ago.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Akirakickass-1
Just a good game with all of my clan members of XF.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Coollookinpic
Just some cool pics I took.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Coolpic16

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Coolpic18

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Coolpic22

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Coolpic23

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Coolpic24

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Coolpic25

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Coolpic27

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Coolpicofplasma

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago 11
Another CF SS, me and Q-Dude...probably one of the best players I ever played with, we never lost one CF together.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago 9
CF Pic...

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Damngoodgameintwongs
I was kicking ass in Twongs and took the SS before Kirk shutdown the server.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago 1on1withcrazytilltheend
1 vs 1 with Crazytrain (Budweiser) awhile back.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Ftcvsrohinrok2ndlevel
CF with alot of good players.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Kickingrohsassinrok
Kickin some RoH ass. Fuckface is RoH member also...I forgot his name.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Kickinbuttinarena
Narue was the old "Hiro" back then.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Kickedsomeassinrok
A really good rok match with alot of good players.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Kickedsomearseinrok
I kicked major ass in this rok match. RoH-A Kiss = Brolli and Tera Patrick = GZ- Kirk. Notice the time it took me, lol.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Hawkvsshasta
I did a 1 vs 1 with Shasta. He thought he could beat me at twongs. He learned from Allusion and this is the results, lol.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Screwtheasrpic
This is just a funny pic I took a long time ago. I got everyone to say Fuck the ASR (Hife's Server) because it kicked U out if ur ping was 300 or higher and at the time most people were still using 56k.

Number of posts : 833
Age : 38
Localisation : Texas
Registration date : 2009-04-12

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty firebird

Post by B@D@SS 12th April 2009, 21:24

xf firebird was that the same firebird that lead *P* or a different kid

Number of posts : 212
Localisation : Missouri
Registration date : 2009-03-05

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Yes Sirrr

Post by icekilla 12th April 2009, 21:29

B@D@SS wrote:xf firebird was that the same firebird that lead *P* or a different kid
Yea, thats the same Firebird. The one that took over *P* from Crying Freeman.

Number of posts : 833
Age : 38
Localisation : Texas
Registration date : 2009-04-12

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by BrLi 14th April 2009, 16:01

Nice SS david, especially the ones where i am haha pr0 score mheh.

Reminds good old days lol.

Btw, not to be gay but u were probably the best player i ve met in the game.

Idd u made a great team with Q-Dude, I also liked the team Jackal/Blunt who was pretty good.

Btw, Fuckface = Snooker


Number of posts : 298
Localisation : France
Registration date : 2009-02-28

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty TY

Post by icekilla 15th April 2009, 00:29

Thanks for the compliments my good sir. Very Happy

Number of posts : 833
Age : 38
Localisation : Texas
Registration date : 2009-04-12

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty over the years

Post by B@D@SS 24th April 2009, 23:19

ice is the one who stuck with the game over the years no doubt about it.... mostly cuz his pos computer couldnt handle anything else lol... if i had to guess i didnt really start playin with ice a whole lot until probably 2000 or 2001... since then we have lead a few clans together... and been in a few clans together... and been in a lot of the same clans at different times... i was always big on arena.. mostly because back when i started playin with my 28k connection or what ever it was.. rok was a major payne in the ass... but i have had my off years.. where i took a year or so off like when i joined the army and unless i was crippled up due to a knee surgery or something u didnt see me much during high school... now that im engaged and got a kid on the way in september/october.. i can deffinitly find a good excuse to jump on the computer... but back to the main point i would have to say ice is the most efficient t2 player... but deffinitly the player with the most experience.. becuase that guy has seriously played since 99 with no brake years... he stuck it through.. when all the old vets moved on.. but dont feel to alone out there ice.. thers a few of us left lol..

Number of posts : 212
Localisation : Missouri
Registration date : 2009-03-05

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Ice's Fan Club

Post by icekilla 25th April 2009, 02:20

Would anyone else like to join my fan club? lol!

Thanks for the compliments broc n bad man. Surprised

Number of posts : 833
Age : 38
Localisation : Texas
Registration date : 2009-04-12

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Ry 28th April 2009, 12:58

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago 89210393

The fuck? How's this even possible? I've played this map a million times and never seen this.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty lol

Post by icekilla 28th April 2009, 15:28

It's a nuke and charge dart. That's all. It was someone else with a trainer, I just told told him what to do so I could take some cool looking pics and that was the result. U like? lol

Number of posts : 833
Age : 38
Localisation : Texas
Registration date : 2009-04-12

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Hexx 28th April 2009, 20:26

hahaha I knew it, but your description is exactly what I thougt it has to be Wink
and wow its really cool Smile

Number of posts : 862
Age : 35
Localisation : Germany
Registration date : 2009-04-26

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Ry 29th April 2009, 07:01

icekilla wrote:It's a nuke and charge dart. That's all. It was someone else with a trainer, I just told told him what to do so I could take some cool looking pics and that was the result. U like? lol

Yeah, I like. The accuracy of the charge dart's perfect. One line when it shoots three. Now that part I don't understand.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty And here 4 new ones

Post by Hexx 30th April 2009, 21:57

He allways overwhelmed mee arrrg :-D
But it is ok and the games were fair.

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Ice001
The baddest result of me. Sad

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Ice002
his victory line goes on ...

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Ice003
... and on ...

IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Ice004
... and on. Razz

hahaha good games, really!!!1

Number of posts : 862
Age : 35
Localisation : Germany
Registration date : 2009-04-26

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by BrLi 3rd May 2009, 23:25

Ice is one of the best player I know and I played with so many lol.

You dont have a chance even if he would play with a joystick


Number of posts : 298
Localisation : France
Registration date : 2009-02-28

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Hexx 4th May 2009, 01:12

hahaha I think you are right :-D

Number of posts : 862
Age : 35
Localisation : Germany
Registration date : 2009-04-26

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Ry 4th May 2009, 01:29

I think this "F" person's the best. I don't know who "F" is, but I think it's Jager. :$ I can dance with Ice. I had lots of trouble dancing with "F". It wasn't the dancing, it was the amazing accuarcy from "F". It was always first or second shot fired and then I was dead.

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Ry 4th May 2009, 01:34

Ry wrote:I think this "F" person's the best. I don't know who "F" is, but I think it's Jager. :$ I can dance with Ice. I had lots of trouble dancing with "F". It wasn't the dancing, it was the amazing accuarcy from "F". It was always first or second shot fired and then I was dead.

I was meant to say that Ice, you're one of the best players for sure. I misread what Brolli said. Ignore my above post. Lolz. Chirac, this's why you have editing. > : |

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Hexx 4th May 2009, 01:38

that sounds really bad... even if you have gant???

Number of posts : 862
Age : 35
Localisation : Germany
Registration date : 2009-04-26

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Ry 4th May 2009, 01:50

Hexx wrote:that sounds really bad... even if you have gant???

"F" was using Gant to. I'm not used to fighting Gant on Ice's server. Because Ice has "All characters are different.", Gant's tiny. I can play as Gant, but not play against Gant. : ( I'll use it as an excuse as to why I lost against "F". Lolz. But either way, "F" was still killing in on the first or second shot. I only got to fire once, maybe twice at the most against "F", before "F" fired at me and killed me. : (

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Hexx 4th May 2009, 23:51

I'm exactly your opinion...
to fight gants is really difficult...

Number of posts : 862
Age : 35
Localisation : Germany
Registration date : 2009-04-26

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty LOL

Post by icekilla 5th May 2009, 00:04

Yall just need to MAN UP. I already increased the node on my server so that it would be easier to kill the gant, adon, and raptor now.

Number of posts : 833
Age : 38
Localisation : Texas
Registration date : 2009-04-12

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Ry 5th May 2009, 00:24

icekilla wrote:Yall just need to MAN UP. I already increased the node on my server so that it would be easier to kill the gant, adon, and raptor now.

What's a node and how would it be any easier to kill them? Adon starts with 60 HP, Gant starts with 80 HP, the Raptor starts with 100 HP and the Raptor can't pick up extra health. They already take one hit to kill. How are you making it easier for them to be killed exactly?

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Hey

Post by icekilla 5th May 2009, 03:39

Ry wrote:
icekilla wrote:Yall just need to MAN UP. I already increased the node on my server so that it would be easier to kill the gant, adon, and raptor now.

What's a node and how would it be any easier to kill them? Adon starts with 60 HP, Gant starts with 80 HP, the Raptor starts with 100 HP and the Raptor can't pick up extra health. They already take one hit to kill. How are you making it easier for them to be killed exactly?

The node just makes the char. bigger and easier to kill. But it causes more HH's. Especially in smaller lvls like Harbor-1 that has alot of objects that get in the way. But overall in most lvls its ok. But I reduced it now, so it shouldn't be as bad as it was before.

Number of posts : 833
Age : 38
Localisation : Texas
Registration date : 2009-04-12

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Ry 5th May 2009, 11:11

icekilla wrote:
Ry wrote:
icekilla wrote:Yall just need to MAN UP. I already increased the node on my server so that it would be easier to kill the gant, adon, and raptor now.

What's a node and how would it be any easier to kill them? Adon starts with 60 HP, Gant starts with 80 HP, the Raptor starts with 100 HP and the Raptor can't pick up extra health. They already take one hit to kill. How are you making it easier for them to be killed exactly?

The node just makes the char. bigger and easier to kill. But it causes more HH's. Especially in smaller lvls like Harbor-1 that has alot of objects that get in the way. But overall in most lvls its ok. But I reduced it now, so it shouldn't be as bad as it was before.

Thanks for the info. Smile You reduced it? Last I saw, the node was risen. Yeah, I just took a look now and it went from 1.00 to 1.25. If you put it back at 1.00, doesn't that mean less half hitters? If you eliminate the node completely, wouldn't that mean no half hitters? Putting the node at 0.00? Is that even possible? How low can you make it? What do you mean the node makes the char? As in height?

Number of posts : 3416
Localisation : ryliveshere@gmail.com
Registration date : 2009-04-07

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty lol

Post by icekilla 5th May 2009, 18:23

the node has to be at least 1. If U put it at 0...there wont be anything to shoot at. U would neverr die. The shot would just go thru U.

Number of posts : 833
Age : 38
Localisation : Texas
Registration date : 2009-04-12

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by BrLi 5th May 2009, 18:32

lets do a cf with node=0 !


Number of posts : 298
Localisation : France
Registration date : 2009-02-28

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IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago Empty Re: IceKilla's SS's From Many Years Ago

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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